"Time Machine" Letters to the Past

Sometimes you just want to add a little magic to the classroom. If that's the case, consider having the students write letters to historical figures of the past.

This activity really had the kids thinking, getting excited, asking questions and they were so engaged. My students wanted to know everything about George Washington, Albert Einstein, etc. Of course they were eyeing me extensively to see if I was up to something, but they wrote on to those who inspired them, asking questions and sharing their thoughts!

(My Time Machine- made with anything I could find around the house)

With the help of my boyfriend, I constructed a "time machine" and we sent their letters back time. I had us all join hands and this duplicated the box and sent it back. (This was because they could see their letters when they looked in the slot of the machine, I don't know why they wouldn't just believe me, no trust). But I had them asking every day about the return of their letters, they were so excited. I had to remind them that if we send a letter in the mail, it can take weeks for a response, a letter in a time machine will take MONTHS.  ;)

But they patiently awaited,  and finally, with the help of my creative friends, the letters arrived from the historical figures, inspiring them to work hard, try new things, and never give up. The kids were beeming. One of my favorite activities this year.

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